Curriculum - Overview

Sub Courses Program Name Duration(Hours) Price
Sub Course ESL Classes 40/H For One Week Only $1900


At Elite Royal International Career College, for students from all cultural backgrounds, we provide opportunities to learn English. Learning about Canadian cultures and linguistic preparation for college programmes are the main areas of emphasis in our ESL programme


We offer a two-month program which is Academic Prerequisite 1 and Academic Prerequisite 2

The Academic Prerequisite 1 comprises of following programs:

  1. Communications in English
  2. Business Documents
  3. Presentations
  4. Research Techniques

Students who have had some past exposure to English and wish to advance their fundamental reading, writing, speaking, and listening abilities in a classroom setting may enrol in this course. Students will get the chance to discuss information with other members of a small group while identifying primary ideas and supporting details from straightforward listening passages and reading passages on well- known themes. Students will converse with their peers about everyday issues using proper grammar, pertinent terminology, and social cues. Students will write a paragraph about themselves and others, as well as whole sentences.

The Academic Prerequisite 2 comprises of following programs:

  1. English Grammar
  2. Speaking
  3. Listening
  4. Writing

The potential to continue honing your reading, writing, listening, and speaking abilities in a more challenging setting is increased by taking this course. While working with reading and audio materials pertaining to well-known issues of current interest, students will read the major concepts and supporting facts. In addition to writing well-formatted narrative and descriptive paragraphs and conversing with classmates in a way that emphasises requesting information and sharing personal experiences, students will acquire and practise new vocabulary and grammar structures. The presentation subject and writing assignment will be connected in the students’ brief presentations.

Learning Outcomes

The graduate has consistently shown the ability to:

  1. Apply critical thinking and self -management techniques to tasks of a personal or academic nature.
  2. Use English language in common written tasks
  3. Comprehend information presented in a variety of forms.
  4. Use functional language in everyday interactions.